Wordle #206 – A Bad Fall

Vale- the world, or mortal or earthly life
Pine Needles

Written for Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Wordle #206

Her boots were wet and had more than likely caused her to fall while walking down the summit. The pain was ineffable, and she was sure she had broken her ankle.

Laying on a bed of pine needles Laura looked up at the sky that was quickly turning grey. A storm was on the horizon.

Thinking she’d be left out here in the wild to die Laura tried to move. Slowly she made it a few feet closer to a tree she thought she would use to stand up. Extending her arm to the trunk of the tree and grabbing hold she dragged herself closer. With all her might she stood up.

Reflecting to her medical training she lightly tried to put a bit of weight on the injured ankle. Screaming out in pain she knew walking was not an option. Laura prayed that someone would find her before she died here in the vale.

Published by Susan Zutautas

A Canadian girl, born in Montreal, mother of three grown boys that lives with her husband in Ontario. Published author and poet. Loves to write flash fiction. Author of New In Town and two children's books which can be found on Amazon.

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