I Can’t Tell a Lie

Fibbing Friday

  1. What did the couch say to the toilet? Be grateful, I have him sprawled out all over me for hours at a time, you just have him briefly on you once or twice most days.
  2. What caused the last traffic jam in town? The UFO landed smack down in the middle of the intersection.
  3. What really powers the Internet? There are little girls and boys that rub two sticks together to keep it powered.
  4. What is really between Trump’s ears? A lot of hot air.
  5. What is in the heart of Africa? Frozen margaritas.
  6. What was the last meal eaten in the Garden of Eden? Tacos.
  7. Who built the pyramids in the Yucatan? Aliens.
  8. What is the highest form of flattery? Saying to someone, You’re the stupidest person on earth.
  9. Speakeasies were not secret bars, what were they? Where one was sent to when they needed a time out from yelling at another person.
  10. Alcatraz isn’t a prison, what is it really? Breeding grounds for hedgehogs.
  11. What is in hamburger? Ham, apples, macaroni, bumblebees, unpasteurized cheese, rose petals, green egg, escargot, and rattlesnake skin.
  12. What is the real question and answer to number #12? Where do you want to go for a holiday or vacation?  Back to the future.

This was written for Fibbing Friday over at The Haunted Wordsmith.

Published by Susan Zutautas

A Canadian girl, born in Montreal, mother of three grown boys that lives with her husband in Ontario. Published author and poet. Loves to write flash fiction. Author of New In Town and two children's books which can be found on Amazon.

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