Fibbing Friday

Fibbing Friday

  1. What is in your left shoe? My right hand.
  2. What did the tooth fairy leave you on their last visit?  A map to the dentist’s office.
  3. What is your favorite soup? Goat Head soup of course.
  4. What goes best with chocolate cake? Beer, then more beer.
  5. What is the strangest thing you have found in your yard? The Pacific Ocean.
  6. What is the moon made out of? Gouda.
  7. What is the real reason Pluto is not a planet? Because he’s a dog, silly.
  8. Why do rabbits hop instead of walk? Because they can’t dance but they can bop.
  9. Where was the last place you lost your car? Inside Walmart during a clearance sale.
  10. What was the last thing you borrowed? A cup of sunshine.
  11. What is the black pearl? Johnny Depp’s ring.
  12. Twilight wasn’t about vampires, what was it really about? Angels flying at dusk till dawn.
  13. Cats and dogs really don’t hate each other, what do they do when we’re not looking? Make plans together to drive us crazy.
  14. What do fish do all day in their tanks? Try to escape.
  15. What are stars saying when they twinkle? We’re going to make your life brighter.

These questions were answered for Fibbing Friday over at The Haunted Wordsmith. You should try this, it was fun.

Published by Susan Zutautas

A Canadian girl, born in Montreal, mother of three grown boys that lives with her husband in Ontario. Published author and poet. Loves to write flash fiction. Author of New In Town and two children's books which can be found on Amazon.

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