Childhood Memories

Wordle 128

This is written for Wordle #128

Use all the words in the picture creatively.

1. 1960s

2. Insert

3. Rush

4. Tag

5. Unknown

6. Svelte

7. Temporize

verb (used without object), tem·po·rized, tem·po·riz·ing.

to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting.
to comply with the time or occasion; yield temporarily or ostensibly to prevailing
opinion or circumstances.
to treat or parley so as to gain time (usually followed by with).
to come to terms (usually followed by with ).
to effect compromise (usually followed by between ).


8. Complex

9. Curls

10. Heiligenschein (German for “halo” or “aureola”, pronounced [ˈhaɪlɪɡənˌʃaɪn]) is an optical phenomenon in which a bright spot appears around the shadow of the viewer’s head in the presence of dew. In photogrammetry and remote sensing, it is more commonly known as the hotspot.)

11. Bounce

12. Speech

This is also written for Six Sentence Story using the word “CONTEST”.

Back in the 1960s life was not as complex as it is right now, people were not in a rush all the time, speech no matter who was talking, man, woman, or child was a lot easier to understand compared to the unknown language that teens use today.

Back then we played tag, now we tag photo’s, stories, articles, use it quite a bit on social media and so forth.

I’ve many good memories of the ’60s as I lived with my grandparents.

As I look back today my grandmother must have had a heiligenschein around her head as she was the kindest, gentlest, most loving person I’ve ever met. She was a svelte woman with beautiful curls and I’m sure one that could win a beauty contest, hands down.

She was always trying to get me to temporize the death of my mother and she would insert stories of her every chance she got bouncing them off me in many of the conversations we had.

Published by Susan Zutautas

A Canadian girl, born in Montreal, mother of three grown boys that lives with her husband in Ontario. Published author and poet. Loves to write flash fiction. Author of New In Town and two children's books which can be found on Amazon.

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